GDPR Policy
138 Kennel Lane, Billericay, Essex, CM112SU
01277 654404/07990 976297
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
We may have to collect and use information about people with whom we
work. This personal information must be handled and dealt with
properly, however it is collected, recorded and used, and whether it be
on paper, in computer records or recorded by any other means.
We regard the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as
very important to our successful operation and to maintaining
confidence between us and those with whom we carry out business. We
will ensure that we treat personal information lawfully and correctly.
To this end we fully endorse and adhere to the principles of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This policy applies to the processing of personal data in manual and
electronic records kept by us in connection with our human resources
function as described below. It also covers our response to any data
breach and other rights under the GDPR.
This policy applies to the personal data of job applicants, existing
and former employees, apprentices, volunteers, placement students,
workers and self-employed contractors. These are referred to in this
policy as relevant individuals.
“Personal data” is information that relates to an identifiable person
who can be directly or indirectly identified from that information, for
example, a person’s name, identification number, location, online
identifier. It can also include pseudonymised data.
“Special categories of personal data” is data which relates to an
individual’s health, sex life, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin,
political opinion, religion, and trade union membership. It also
includes genetic and biometric data (where used for ID purposes).
“Criminal offence data” is data which relates to an individual’s
criminal convictions and offences.
“Data processing” is any operation or set of operations which is
performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not
by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation,
structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval,
consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or
otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction,
erasure or destruction.
Under GDPR, all personal data obtained and held by us must be processed
according to a set of core principles.
In accordance with these principles, we will ensure that:
a) processing will be fair, lawful and transparent
b) data be collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
c) data collected will be adequate, relevant and limited to what is
necessary for the purposes of processing
d) data will be kept accurate and up to date. Data which is found to be
inaccurate will be rectified or erased without delay
e) data is not kept for longer than is necessary for its given purpose
f) data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security
of personal data including protection against unauthorised or unlawful
processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate
technical or organisation measures
g) we will comply with the relevant GDPR procedures for international
transferring of personal data
We keep several categories of personal data on our employees in order
to carry out effective and efficient processes. We keep this data in a
personnel file relating to each employee and we also hold the data
within our computer systems, for example, our holiday booking system.
Specifically, we hold the following types of data:
a) personal details such as name, address, phone numbers
b) information gathered via the recruitment process such as that
entered into a CV or included in a CV cover letter, references from
former employers, details on your education and employment history etc
c) details relating to pay administration such as National Insurance
numbers, bank account details and tax codes
d) medical or health information
e) information relating to your employment with us, including:
i) job title and job descriptions
ii) your salary
iii) your wider terms and conditions of employment
iv) details of formal and informal proceedings involving you such as
letters of concern, disciplinary and grievance proceedings, your annual
leave records, appraisal and performance information
v) internal and external training modules undertaken
All of the above information is required for our processing activities.
More information on those processing activities are included in our
privacy notice for employees, which is available from your manager.
You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold
on you:
a) the right to be informed about the data we hold on you and what we
do with it;
b) the right of access to the data we hold on you. More information on
this can be found in the section headed “Access to Data” below and in
our separate policy on Subject Access Requests”;
c) the right for any inaccuracies in the data we hold on you, however
they come to light, to be corrected.
This is also known as ‘rectification’;
d) the right to have data deleted in certain circumstances. This is
also known as ‘erasure’;
e) the right to restrict the processing of the data;
f) the right to transfer the data we hold on you to another party. This
is also known as ‘portability’;
g) the right to object to the inclusion of any information;
h) the right to regulate any automated decision-making and profiling of
personal data.
More information can be found on each of these rights in our separate
policy on employee rights under GDPR.
In order to protect the personal data of relevant individuals, those
within our business who must process data as part of their role have
been made aware of our policies on data protection.
We have also appointed employees with responsibility for reviewing and
auditing our data protection systems.
We acknowledge that processing may be only be carried out where a
lawful basis for that processing exists and we have assigned a lawful
basis against each processing activity.
Where no other lawful basis applies, we may seek to rely on the
employee’s consent in order to process data.
However, we recognise the high standard attached to its use. We
understand that consent must be freely given, specific, informed and
unambiguous. Where consent is to be sought, we will do so on a specific
and individual basis where appropriate. Employees will be given clear
instructions on the desired processing activity, informed of the
consequences of their consent and of their clear right to withdraw
consent at any time.
As stated above, employees have a right to access the personal data
that we hold on them. To exercise this right, employees should make a
Subject Access Request. We will comply with the request without delay,
and within one month unless, in accordance with legislation, we decide
that an extension is required. Those who make a request will be kept
fully informed of any decision to extend the time limit.
No charge will be made for complying with a request unless the request
is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, or unless a request
is made for duplicate copies to be provided to parties other than the
employee making the request. In these circumstances, a reasonable
charge will be applied.
Further information on making a subject access request is contained in
our Subject Access Request policy.
The Company may be required to disclose certain data/information to any
person. The circumstances leading to such disclosures include:
a) any employee benefits operated by third parties;
b) disabled individuals – whether any reasonable adjustments are
required to assist them at work;
c) individuals’ health data – to comply with health and safety or
occupational health obligations towards the employee;
d) for Statutory Sick Pay purposes;
e) HR management and administration – to consider how an individual’s
health affects his or her ability to do their job;
f) the smooth operation of any employee insurance policies or pension
g) to assist law enforcement or a relevant authority to prevent or
detect crime or prosecute offenders or to assess or collect any tax or
These kinds of disclosures will only be made when strictly necessary
for the purpose.
All our employees are aware that hard copy personal information should
be kept in a locked filing cabinet, drawer, or safe.
Employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities when their role
involves the processing of data. All employees are instructed to store
files or written information of a confidential nature in a secure
manner so that are only accessed by people who have a need and a right
to access them and to ensure that screen locks are implemented on all
PCs, laptops etc when unattended. No files or written information of a
confidential nature are to be left where they can be read by
unauthorised people.
Where data is computerised, it should be coded, encrypted or password
protected both on a local hard drive and on a network drive that is
regularly backed up. If a copy is kept on removable storage media, that
media must itself be kept in a locked filing cabinet, drawer, or safe.
Employees must always use the passwords provided to access the computer
system and not abuse them by passing them on to people who should not
have them.
Personal data relating to employees should not be kept or transported
on laptops, USB sticks, or similar devices, unless prior authorisation
has been received. Where personal data is recorded on any such device
it should be protected by:
a) ensuring that data is recorded on such devices only where absolutely
b) using an encrypted system — a folder should be created to store the
files that need extra protection and all files created or moved to this
folder should be automatically encrypted.
c) ensuring that laptops or USB drives are not left where they can be
Failure to follow the Company’s rules on data security may be dealt
with via the Company’s disciplinary procedure. Appropriate sanctions
include dismissal with or without notice dependent on the severity of
the failure.
Where we engage third parties to process data on our behalf, we will
ensure, via a data processing agreement with the third party, that the
third party takes such measures in order to maintain the Company’s
commitment to protecting data.
The Company does not transfer personal data to any recipients outside
of the EEA.
All data breaches will be recorded on our Data Breach Register. Where
legally required, we will report a breach to the Information
Commissioner within 72 hours of discovery. In addition, where legally
required, we will inform the individual whose data was subject to
More information on breach notification is available in our Breach
Notification policy.
New employees must read and understand the policies on data protection
as part of their induction.
All employees receive training covering basic information about
confidentiality, data protection and the actions to take upon
identifying a potential data breach.
The nominated data controller/auditors/protection officers for the
Company are trained appropriately in their roles under the GDPR.
All employees who need to use the computer system are trained to
protect individuals’ private data, to ensure data security, and to
understand the consequences to them as individuals and the Company of
any potential lapses and breaches of the Company’s policies and
The Company keeps records of its processing activities including the
purpose for the processing and retention periods in its HR Data Record.
These records will be kept up to date so that they reflect current
processing activities.
Our appointed compliance officer in respect of our data protection
activities is:
Name: Lee Fisher
Tel: 07990 976297
1) IT and Communication plays an essential role in the conduct of our
business. The IT infrastructure including e-mail and internet access
have therefore significantly improved business operations and
2) How you communicate with people not only reflects on you as an
individual but also on us as a business. As a result of this the
company values your ability to communicate with colleagues,
clients/customers and business contacts but we must also ensure that
such systems and access are managed correctly, not abused in how they
are used or what they are used for.
3) This policy applies to all members of the Company who use our or our
clients’ communications facilities, whether Directors/Consultants, full
or part-time employees, contract staff or temporary staff. The
parameters and restrictions are outlined below and you are required to
read them carefully.
1) You must use our and our clients’ information technology and
communications facilities sensibly, professionally, lawfully,
consistently with your duties and in accordance with this policy and
other Company rules and procedures.
2) At all times employees must behave with honesty and integrity and
respect the rights and privacy of others in relation to electronic
communication and information. The company reserves the right to
maintain all electronic communication and files.
3) Every employee will be given access to the Intranet and/or Internet
as appropriate to their job needs. For those who do not have daily PC
access occasional access will be arranged, as necessary, by Management,
4) All PC/network access will be through passwords, and no individual
is permitted onto the system using another employee’s password.
Employees are not permitted to share their password with anyone inside
or outside the company. Individuals will be allowed to set their own
passwords, and must change them as frequently as requested by the
system set-up requirements.
5) All information relating to our clients/customers and our business
operations is confidential. You must treat our paper-based and
electronic information with utmost care.
6) Many aspects of communication are protected by intellectual property
rights which can be infringed in a number of ways. Downloading,
copying, possessing and distributing material from the internet may be
an infringement of copyright or of other intellectual property rights.
7) Particular care must be taken when using e-mail as a means of
communication because all expressions of fact, intention and opinion in
an e-mail may bind you and/or the Company and can be produced in court
in the same way as other kinds of written statements.
8) If you are speaking with someone face to face, via the telephone, in
writing via whatever medium you are a representative of the Company.
Whilst in this role you should not express any personal opinion that
you know or suspect might be contrary to the opinions of the Directors
or Company policy.
9) You must not use any of our or our clients’ media to do or say
anything which would be subject to disciplinary or legal action in any
other context such as sending any sexist, racist, defamatory or other
unlawful material. If you are in doubt about a course of action, take
advice from a member of management.
1) Business use
Always use the “Bcc” box when mailing to groups whenever the members of
the group are unaware of the identity of all the others (as in the case
of marketing mailing lists), or where you judge that the membership of
the group of one or more individuals should perhaps not be disclosed to
the others (as in the case of members of a staff benefit scheme),
because if you use the “Cc” box each recipient is
informed of the identity (and in the case of external recipients, the
address) of all the others. Such a disclosure may breach any duty of
confidence owed to each recipient, breach the Company’s obligations
under the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act or
may inadvertently disclose confidential business information such as a
marketing list. This applies to both external and internal e-mail.
Expressly agree with the customer/client that the use of e-mail is an
acceptable form of communication bearing in mind that if the material
is confidential, privileged or commercially sensitive then un-encrypted
e-mail is not secure.
If you have sent an important document, always telephone to confirm
that the e-mail has been received and read.
In light of the security risks inherent in web-based e-mail accounts,
you must not e-mail business documents to your personal web-based
accounts. You may send documents to a customer’s/client’s web-based
account if you have the customer’s/client’s express written permission
to do so. However, under no circumstances should you send sensitive or
highly confidential documents to a customer’s/client’s personal
web-based e-mail account (e.g. Yahoo, or Hotmail), even if the
customer/client asks you to do so.
2) Personal use
a) Although our e-mail facilities are provided for the purposes of our
business, we accept that you may occasionally want to use them for your
own personal purposes. This is permitted on condition that all the
procedures and rules set out in this policy are complied with. Be
aware, however, that if you choose to make use of our facilities for
personal correspondence, the Company may need to monitor communications
for the reasons shown below.
b) Under no circumstances may the Company’s facilities be used in
connection with the operation or management of any business other than
that of the Company or a customer/client of the Company unless express
permission has been obtained from a member of management.
c) You must ensure that your personal e-mail use:
• does not interfere with the performance of your duties;
• does not take priority over your work responsibilities;
• does not cause unwarranted expense or liability to be incurred by the
Company or our clients;
• does not have a negative impact on our business in any way; and
• is lawful and complies with this policy.
d) The Company will not tolerate the use of the E-mail system for
unofficial or inappropriate purposes, including:
(i) any messages that could constitute bullying, harassment or other
(ii) on-line gambling;
(iii) accessing or transmitting pornography;
(iv) transmitting copyright information and/or any software available
to the user; or
(v) posting confidential information about other employees, the Company
or its customers or suppliers.
1) We trust you to use the internet sensibly. Although internet
facilities are provided for the purposes of our business, we accept
that you may occasionally want to use them for your own personal
purposes. This is permitted on condition that all the procedures and
rules set out in this policy are complied with and your use of the
internet does not interfere in any way with the performance of your
2) Whenever you access a web site, you should always comply with the
terms and conditions governing its use. Care must be taken in the use
of information accessed through the Internet. Most information is
unregulated, and as such there is no guarantee of accuracy.
3) The use of the Internet to access and/or distribute any kind of
offensive material, or material that is not work-related, leaves an
individual liable to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal.
4) You must not:
a) use any images, text or material which are copyright-protected,
other than in accordance with the terms of the license under which you
were permitted to download them;
b) introduce packet-sniffing or password-detecting software;
c) seek to gain access to restricted areas of the Company’s network;
d) access or try to access data which you know or ought to know is
e) introduce any form of computer virus; nor
f) carry out any hacking activities.
In order to prevent the introduction of virus contamination into the
software system the following must be observed:-
a) unauthorised software including public domain software, magazine
cover disks/CDs or Internet/World Wide Web downloads must not be used;
b) all software must be virus checked using standard testing procedures
before being used.
In order to control the use of the Company’s computer equipment and
reduce the risk of contamination the following will apply:
a) The introduction of new software must first of all be checked and
authorised by a member of management or a client’s nominated senior
member of management before general use will be permitted.
b) Only authorised staff should have access to the Company’s computer
c) Only authorised software may be used on any of the Company’s
computer equipment.
d) Only software that is used for business applications may be used.
e) No software may be brought onto or taken from the Company’s premises
without prior authorisation.
f) Unauthorised access to the computer facility will result in
disciplinary action.
g) Unauthorised copying and/or removal of computer equipment/software
will result in disciplinary action, such actions could lead to
1) Security of our or our clients’ IT systems is of paramount
importance. We owe a duty to all of our customers/clients to ensure
that all of our business transactions are kept confidential. If at any
time we need to rely in court on any information which has been stored
or processed using our IT systems it is essential that we are able to
demonstrate the integrity of those systems. Every time you use the
system you take responsibility for the security implications of what
you are doing.
2) The Company’s system or equipment must not be used in any way which
may cause damage, or overloading or which may affect its performance or
that of the internal or external network.
3) Keep all confidential information secure, use it only for the
purposes intended and do not disclose it to any unauthorised third
1) This part of the policy and the procedures in it apply to your use
of our systems, to your use of our laptops, and also to your use of
your own computer equipment or other computer equipment (e.g. client’s
equipment) whenever you are working on Company business away from our
premises (working remotely).
2) When you are working remotely you must:
a) password protect any work which relates to our business so that no
other person can access your work;
b) position yourself so that your work cannot be overlooked by any
other person;
c) take reasonable precautions to safeguard the security of our laptop
computers and any computer equipment on which you do Company business,
and keep your passwords secret;
d) inform the police and the Company as soon as possible if either a
Company laptop in your possession or any computer equipment on which
you do our work has been stolen; and
e) ensure that any work which you do remotely is saved on the Company
system or is transferred to our system as soon as reasonably
3) PDAs or similar hand-held devices are easily stolen and not very
secure so you must password-protect access to any such devices used by
you on which is stored any personal data of which the Company is a data
controller or any information relating our business, our clients or
their business.
1) Telephones are essential for our business. Incoming/outgoing
personal telephone calls are allowed at the
Company’s head office but should be kept to a minimum. We reserve the
right to recharge for excessive personal use. When visiting or working
on client premises you should always seek permission before using our
clients’ telephone facilities.
2) Personal mobile phones should be switched off or ‘on silent’ during
working hours and only used during authorised breaks.
1) The Company is ultimately responsible for all business
communications but subject to that will, so far as possible and
appropriate, respect your privacy and autonomy. The Company may monitor
your business communications for reasons which include:
a) providing evidence of business transactions;
b) ensuring that our business procedures, policies and contracts with
staff are adhered to;
c) complying with any legal obligations;
d) monitoring standards of service, staff performance, and for staff
e) preventing or detecting unauthorised use of our communications
systems or criminal activities; and
f) maintaining the effective operation of Company communication
2) From time to time the Company may monitor telephone, e-mail and
internet traffic data (i.e. sender, receiver, subject; non-business
attachments to e-mail, numbers called and duration of calls; domain
names of web sites visited, duration of visits, and non-business files
downloaded from the internet) at a network level (but covering both
personal and business communications). This includes monitoring of any
additional accounts you may be requested to set up for the purposes of
performing your work tasks, which are subject to the same rules as your
work email account. Information acquired through such monitoring may be
used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings.
3) Sometimes it is necessary for us to access your business
communications during your absence, such as when you are away because
you are ill or while you are on holiday.
1) As an employee using our communications facilities, you will
inevitably be involved in processing personal data for the Company as
part of your job. Data protection is about the privacy of individuals,
and is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation and current
Data Protection Act.
2) Whenever and wherever you are processing personal data for the
Company you must keep this secret, confidential and secure, and you
must take particular care not to disclose such data to any other person
(whether inside or outside the Company) unless authorised to do so. Do
not use any such personal data except as authorised by us for the
purposes of your job. If in doubt ask a member of management.
3) The Act gives every individual the right to see all the information
which any data controller holds about them. Bear this in mind when
recording personal opinions about someone, whether in an e-mail or
otherwise. It is another reason why personal remarks and opinions made
should be given responsibly, must be relevant and appropriate as well
as accurate and justifiable.
4) For your information, the Act provides that it is a criminal offence
to obtain or disclose personal data without the consent of the data
controller. “Obtaining” here includes the gathering of personal data by
employees at work without the authorisation of the employer. You may be
committing this offence if without authority of the Company: you exceed
your authority in collecting personal data; you access personal data
held by us; or you pass them on to someone else (whether inside or
outside the Company).
Any work related issue or material that could identify an individual
who is a customer/client or work colleague, which could adversely
affect the company a customer/client or our relationship with any
customer/client must not be placed on a social networking site. This
means that work related matters must not be placed on any such site at
any time either during or outside of working hours and includes access
via any computer equipment, mobile phone or PDA.
Employees are not permitted to register with sites or electronic
services in the company’s name without the prior permission of their
manager. They are not permitted to reveal internal company information
to any sites, be it confidential or otherwise, or comment on company
matters, even if this is during after-hours or personal use. The
company confidentiality policy applies to all electronic communication
and data.
1) Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action
being taken against you. If there is anything in this policy that you
do not understand, please discuss it with a member of management.
2) Please note that the procedures and policies outlined in this
policy, and in any related policy, may be reviewed or changed at any
This policy outlines the rights that data subjects have, under the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in relation to the data
about them that we hold. Data subjects, for the purposes of this
policy, includes employees (current, prospective and former), workers
and contractors.
In order to keep you informed about how we use your data, we have a
privacy notice for employees. You can obtain a copy of the privacy
notice from your manager.
The Company also has a separate privacy notice applicable to job
applicants, available from your manager.
You will not be charged for receiving our privacy notices.
Our privacy notices set out:
a) the types of data we hold and the reason for processing the data;
b) our legitimate interest for processing it;
c) details of who your data is disclosed to and why, including
transfers to other countries. Where data is transferred to other
counties, the safeguards used to keep your data secure are explained;
d) how long we keep your data for, or how we determine how long to keep
your data for;
e) where your data comes from;
f) your rights as a data subject;
g) your absolute right to withdraw consent for processing data where
consent has been provided and no other lawful reason for processing
your data applies;
h) your right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner if
you think your rights have been breached;
i) whether we use automated decision making and if so, how the
decisions are made, what this means for you and what could happen as a
result of the process;
j) the name and contact details of our data protection officer.
You have the right to access your personal data which is held by us.
You can find out more about how to request access to your data by
reading our Subject Access Request policy.
If you discover that the data we hold about you is incorrect or
incomplete, you have the right to have the data corrected. If you wish
to have your data corrected, you should complete the Data Correction
Usually, we will comply with a request to rectify data within one month
unless the request is particularly complex in which case we may write
to you to inform you we require an extension to the normal timescale.
The maximum extension period is two months.
You will be informed if we decide not to take any action as a result of
the request. In these circumstances, you are able to complain to the
Information Commissioner and have access to a judicial remedy.
Third parties to whom the data was disclosed will be informed of the
In certain circumstances, we are required to delete the data we hold on
you. Those circumstances are:
a) where it is no longer necessary for us to keep the data;
b) where we relied on your consent to process the data and you
subsequently withdraw that consent. Where this happens, we will
consider whether another legal basis applies to our continued use of
your data;
c) where you object to the processing (see below) and the Company has
no overriding legitimate interest to continue the processing;
d) where we have unlawfully processed your data;
e) where we are required by law to erase the data.
If you wish to make a request for data deletion, you should complete
the Data Erasure form.
We will consider each request individually, however, you must be aware
that processing may continue under one of the permissible reasons.
Where this happens, you will be informed of the continued use of your
data and the reason for this.
Third parties to whom the data was disclosed will be informed of the
erasure where possible unless to do so will cause a disproportionate
effect on us.
You have the right to restrict the processing of your data in certain
We will be required to restrict the processing of your personal data in
the following circumstances:
a) where you tell us that the data we hold on you is not accurate.
Where this is the case, we will stop processing the data until we have
taken steps to ensure that the data is accurate;
b) where the data is processed for the performance of a public interest
task or because of our legitimate interests and you have objected to
the processing of data. In these circumstances, the processing may be
restricted whilst we consider whether our legitimate interests mean it
is appropriate to continue to process it;
c) when the data has been processed unlawfully;
d) where we no longer need to process the data but you need the data in
relation to a legal claim.
If you wish to make a request for data restriction, you should complete
the Data Restriction form.
Where data processing is restricted, we will continue to hold the data
but will not process it unless you consent to the processing or
processing is required in relation to a legal claim.
Where the data to be restricted has been shared with third parties, we
will inform those third parties of the restriction where possible
unless to do so will cause a disproportionate effect on us.
You will be informed before any restriction is lifted.
You have the right to obtain the data that we process on you and
transfer it to another party. Where our technology permits, we will
transfer the data directly to the other party.
Data which may be transferred is data which:
a) you have provided to us; and
b) is processed because you have provided your consent or because it is
needed to perform the employment contract between us; and
c) is processed by automated means.
If you wish to exercise this right, please speak to your manager.
We will respond to a portability request without undue delay, and
within one month at the latest unless the request is complex or we
receive a number of requests in which case we may write to you to
inform you that we require an extension and reasons for this. The
maximum extension period is two months.
We will not charge you for access to your data for this purpose.
You will be informed if we decide not to take any action as a result of
the request, for example, because the data you wish to transfer does
not meet the above criteria. In these circumstances, you are able to
complain to the Information Commissioner and have access to a judicial
The right to data portability relates only to data defined as above.
You should be aware that this differs from the data which is accessible
via a Subject Access Request.
You have a right to require us to stop processing your data; this is
known as data objection.
You may object to processing where it is carried out:
a) in relation to the Company’s legitimate interests;
b) for the performance of a task in the public interest;
c) in the exercise of official authority; or
d) for profiling purposes.
If you wish to object, you should do so by completing the Data
Objection Form.
In some circumstances we will continue to process the data you have
objected to. This may occur when:
a) we can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for the processing
which are believed to be more important than your rights; or
b) the processing is required in relation to legal claims made by, or
against, us.
If the response to your request is that we will take no action, you
will be informed of the reasons.
You have the right not to have decisions made about you solely on the
basis of automated decision making processes where there is no human
intervention, where such decisions will have a significant effect on
However, the Company does not make any decisions based on such
You have a right, under the General Data Protection Regulation, to
access the personal data we hold on you. To do so, you should made a
subject access request, and this policy sets out how you should make a
request, and our actions upon receiving the request.
“Personal data” is any information relating to an identifiable person
who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference
to an identifier, including your name.
“Special categories of personal data” includes information relating to:
a) race
b) ethnic origin
c) politics
d) religion
e) trade union membership
f) genetics
g) biometrics (where used for ID purposes)
h) health
i) sex life or
j) sexual orientation.
Although subject access requests may be made verbally, we would advise
that a request may be dealt with more efficiently and effectively if it
is made in writing. If you wish to make a request, please use the
Subject Access Request form.
Requests that are made directly by you should be accompanied by
evidence of your identity. If this is not provided, we may contact you
to ask that such evidence be forwarded before we comply with the
Requests made in relation to your data from a third party should be
accompanied by evidence that the third party is able to act on your
behalf. If this is not provided, we may contact the third party to ask
that such evidence be forwarded before we comply with the request.
Usually, we will comply with your request without delay and at the
latest within one month. Where requests are complex or numerous, we may
contact you to inform you that an extension of time is required. The
maximum extension period is two months.
We will normally comply with your request at no cost. However, if the
request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if it is repetitive,
we may contact you requesting a fee. This fee must be paid in order for
us to comply with the request. The fee will be determined at the
relevant time and will be set at a level which is reasonable in the
In addition, we may also charge a reasonable fee if you request further
copies of the same information.
When you make a subject access request, you will be informed of:
a) whether or not your data is processed and the reasons for the
processing of your data;
b) the categories of personal data concerning you;
c) where your data has been collected from if it was not collected from
d) anyone who your personal data has been disclosed to or will be
disclosed to, including anyone outside of the EEA and the safeguards
utilised to ensure data security;
e) how long your data is kept for (or how that period is decided);
f) your rights in relation to data rectification, erasure, restriction
of and objection to processing;
g) your right to complain to the Information Commissioner if you are of
the opinion that your rights have been infringed;
h) the reasoning behind any automated decisions taken about you.
We may refuse to deal with your subject access request if it is
manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if it is repetitive. Where it is
our decision to refuse your request, we will contact you without undue
delay, and at the latest within one month of receipt, to inform you of
this and to provide an explanation. You will be informed of your right
to complain to the Information Commissioner and to a judicial remedy.
We may also refuse to deal with your request, or part of it, because of
the types of information requested. For example, information which is
subject to legal privilege or relates to management planning is not
required to be disclosed. Where this is the case, we will inform you
that your request cannot be complied with and an explanation of the
reason will be provided.
We are aware of the obligations placed on us by the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to processing data lawfully
and to ensure it is kept securely.
One such obligation is to report a breach of personal data in certain
circumstances and this policy sets out our position on reporting data
A personal data breach is a breach of security leading to the
accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised
disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or
The following are examples of data breaches:
a) access by an unauthorised third party;
b) deliberate or accidental action (or inaction) by a data controller
or data processor;
c) sending personal data to an incorrect recipient;
d) computing devices containing personal data being lost or stolen;
e) alteration of personal data without permission;
f) loss of availability of personal data.
We have implemented the following measures to assist us in detecting a
personal data breach:
• Employees notifying us of a data breach
• Clients notifying us of a data breach
• All computer systems and files are password protected
In the event that we become aware of a breach, or a potential breach,
an investigation will be carried out. This investigation will be
carried out by Nicky Fitch (Company Director) who will make a decision
over whether the breach is required to be notified to the Information
Commissioner. A decision will also be made over whether the breach is
such that the individual(s) must also be notified.
In accordance with the GDPR, we will undertake to notify the
Information Commissioner of a breach which is likely to pose a risk to
people’s rights and freedoms. A risk to people’s freedoms can include
physical, material or non-material damage such as discrimination,
identity theft or fraud, financial loss and damage to reputation.
Notification to the Information Commissioner will be done without undue
delay and at the latest within 72 hours of discovery. If we are unable
to report in full within this timescale, we will make an initial report
to the Information Commissioner, and then provide a full report in more
than one instalment if so required.
The following information will be provided when a breach is notified:
a) a description of the nature of the personal data breach including,
where possible:
i) the categories and approximate number of individuals concerned; and
ii) the categories and approximate number of personal data records
b) the name and contact details of the appointed compliance officer,
where more information can be obtained;
c) a description of the likely consequences of the personal data
breach; and
d) a description of the measures taken, or proposed to be taken, to
deal with the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, the
measures taken to mitigate any possible adverse effects.
In accordance with the GDPR, we will undertake to notify the individual
whose data is the subject of a breach if there is a high risk to
people’s rights and freedoms. A high risk may be, for example, where there
is an immediate threat of identity theft, or if special categories of data
are disclosed online.
This notification will be made without undue delay and may, dependent on
the circumstances, be made before the supervisory authority is notified.
The following information will be provided when a breach is notified to the
affected individuals:
a) a description of the nature of the breach
b) the name and contact details of the appointed compliance officer, where
more information can be obtained
c) a description of the likely consequences of the personal data breach and
d) a description of the measures taken, or proposed to be taken, to deal
with the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, the measures
taken to mitigate any possible adverse effects.
The Company records all personal data breaches regardless of whether they
are notifiable or not as part of its general accountability requirement
under GDPR. It records the facts relating to the breach, its effects and
the remedial action taken.